• Sebopi se Lahlelang



Hydrostatic Silicon Carbide Crucible: Phetoho ea Phetoho e Phahameng ea Mocheso

Lefapheng la metallurgy, ho batla li-crucibles tse tšoarellang le tse sebetsang e 'nile ea e-ba ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa. Haeba u batla crucible e khethehileng e loketseng mekhoa e phahameng ea mocheso, joalehydrostatic silicon carbide crucibleske khetho ea hau e ntle. Ka likarolo tsa eona tse khahlang, Crucible ena e fetola indasteri le ho fetoha sesebelisoa sa bohlokoa bakeng sa likhoebo ho pota lefatše.

Li-crucible tsa Hydrostatic silicon carbide li na le motsoako o babatsehang oa likarolo tse li khethollang ho li-crucible tsa setso. Ntlha ea pele, mocheso oa eona o phahameng oa mocheso o finyelloa ka tšebeliso ea thepa e kang graphite, e khutsufatsang linako tsa ho qhibiliha. Sena se thusa likhoebo ho boloka nako ea bohlokoa ea tlhahiso, ho li lumella ho fihlela litlhoko tsa bareki ka nako.

Ho phaella moo, li-crucibles li fana ka mocheso o ke keng oa lekanngoa le ho hanyetsa tšusumetso. Kaho ea eona e tiileng e tiisa hore e khona ho mamella ho fetoha ha mocheso ka potlako ntle le ho peperana. Bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse phahameng tsa mocheso pakeng tsa 1200 le 1650 ° C, crucible ena e pakile hore e sebetsa hantle 'me e lula e boloka botšepehi ba eona. Ka ho hanyetsa mocheso o tsotehang joalo, likhoebo li ka sutumelletsa meeli ea mekhoa ea tsona ka kholiseho.

E 'ngoe ea melemo ea mantlha ea hydrostatic silicon carbide crucibles ke ho hanyetsa ha bona ho hlaseloa ke ho qhibiliha. Lits'ebetso tsa lik'hemik'hale le lintho tse senyang hangata li baka tšenyo ea li-crucibles tse tloaelehileng, e leng se bakang litšenyehelo tse eketsehileng le ho fokotsa ts'ebetso e sebetsang. Leha ho le joalo, khanyetso ena e ntle ea kutu ea crucible e netefatsa bophelo ba eona bo bolelele le ts'epahalo, e etsa hore e be khetho e bolokang litšenyehelo bakeng sa likhoebo nakong e telele.

Ho feto-fetoha ha hydrostatic silicon carbide crucibles ho etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa mekhoa e fapaneng ea mocheso o phahameng. Ho tloha ho alloy alloy ho ea ho tlhahiso ea ceramic, crucible e ipakile e le ea bohlokoa liindastering tse ngata. Ntle le moo, crucible's superior thermal conductivity le corrosion resistance e netefatsa liphetho tse tsitsitseng le tse nepahetseng, tse lumellang lik'hamphani ho fumana tlhahiso ea boleng bo holimo ka nepo.

Mabapi le melemo, likhoebo tse sebelisang crucible ena ea ts'ebetso e phahameng li bone tlhahiso e eketsehileng ka lebaka la ho fokotseha ha linako tsa ho qhibiliha. Ho hanyetsa mocheso o matlafalitsoeng ho tiisa nako e fokolang le litšenyehelo tsa ho lokisa bakeng sa ts'ebetso e se nang moeli. Ho phaella moo, ho hanyetsa khoholeho ho tiisa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea crucible, ho boloka litšenyehelo ka nako e telele.

Hydrostatic silicon carbide crucibles ehlile ke phetoho ea lipapali bakeng sa likhoebo tse hlokang tharollo e tšepahalang ea mocheso o phahameng. Motsoako oa eona oa conductivity e phahameng ea mocheso, ho hanyetsa mocheso, ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, le ho hanyetsa kutu ho etsa hore e be khetho e phahameng. Likhoebo tse sebelisang crucible ena li tla eketsa tlhahiso, li fokotse nako ea ho theoha 'me li be le litšenyehelo tse ngata. Amohela bokamoso ba ts'ebetso ea mocheso o phahameng ka li-crucible tsa hydrostatic silicon carbide, ho nka katleho ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso le boleng ho ea maemong a macha.Hydrostatic silicon carbide crucible

Nako ea poso: Nov-27-2023