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li-crucibles tsa ho qhibilihisa khauta bakeng sa theknoloji ea induction

Induction Technology Corporation (RD), mofani oa lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tse ncha indastering ea ho qhibiliha ha induction, e sebelisane 'moho le Ambrell, e nang le boiphihlelo ba ho futhumatsa ka lilemo tse fetang mashome a mabeli, ho fana ka lits'ebetso tse sebetsang hantle tsa ho qhibiliha ho ipapisitse le bongata ba thepa e ntseng e sebetsoa. . sebetsoa. Qhibiliha. Sengoliloeng sena se hlalosa mekhoa e fapaneng ea ho qhibiliha ea ITC e sebelisang matla a matla a ho kenya Ambrell.

Tataiso ea Khetho ea Sistimi ea Melting (Letlapa la 2) e fa bareki tataiso mabapi le ho khetha sistimi e nepahetseng ho latela thepa ea bona le lebelo la ho qhibiliha.

Litekanyo tsa sebōpi tse bontšitsoeng tafoleng e ka holimo ke litekanyo tse tloaelehileng tsa tšepe e qhibilihang 'me li ka fapana bakeng sa ho qhibilihisa lisebelisoa tse ling.

Micro Melt System e tla le sejana se khaphatsehang, 4.4 cubic inch pan coil, li-clamp tse phahamisang le ho kenya mocheso o phahameng.

Micro Melt Benchtop Melting System e loketse ho qhibilihisa khauta kapa silevera, li-abrasives, lifaele le lifaele 'me e ka qhibiliha ho fihlela ho 15 oz. Fumana khauta ka metsotso e 10. Sistimi ea ho qhibiliha e nang le mesebetsi e mengata e na le matla a ho futhumatsa a Ambrell's 2.4kW EASYHEAT, sets'oants'o se phoroselang, ho kenya mocheso o phahameng le li-clamp tse phahamisang. E ka sebelisoa ka ceramic, silicon carbide kapa graphite crucibles. ITC e thusa bareki ho khetha crucible e nepahetseng ea ho qhibiliha

EASYHEAT ke sistimi e futhumatsang e sebetsang hantle haholo e fanang ka tharollo e kopaneng, e tšepahalang le e bonolo bakeng sa ho qhibiliha ha benche.

EASYHEAT 2.4 kW e sebetsa ka mokhahlelo o le mong oa 220 VAC mme e hloka phepelo ea metsi a hloekileng e etsang galone e le 'ngoe ka motsotso bakeng sa ho pholisoa, ha EASYHEAT 10 kW e sebetsa ho mekhahlelo e meraro ea 480 VAC kapa mekhahlelo e meraro ea 220 VAC Mehato e meraro ea 220 VAC metsi a hloekileng. Ho AC ka sekhahla sa phallo ea lilithara tse 1.5 ka motsotso. Li-EASYHEAT ka bobeli li sebelisa MOSFET ho khelosa matla a 60Hz AC 'me li lula li lokisoa ho tloha ho 150kHz ho ea ho 400kHz bakeng sa ho futhumatsa hantle.

ITC manual cooker e sebelisoa ka EASYHEAT 10 kW. Sebōpi se sebelisa lithupa tse ka hare le tse ka ntle ho qhibilihisa platinum. E bonts'oa ka khase ea boikhethelo e sireletsang (mohlala, argon).

Mini Melt system e loketse bakeng sa ho qhibiliha platinum, silevera, khauta, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Sistimi ena e feto-fetohang, e kopaneng ebile e ka tšeptjoa e lumellana le ceramic, silicon carbide le graphite crucibles.

Sistimi ea ho qhibiliha ea tšepe e na le mochini o bonolo oa ho sekama le ho tšollela o sebelisang 80-100 psi air-hydraulic assist system ho thusa ho tsamaisa. Li-ovine tsa compact Power Cube Nose Tilt li fumaneha ka matla ho tloha ho liponto tse 5 ho isa ho tse 30 'me li na le li-coil tse entsoeng ka boima bo khethehileng, tse nang le conductivity e phahameng. E loketse bakeng sa ho qhibiliha ha tšepe le litšepe tsa bohlokoa ho sebelisoa silicon carbide, graphite, letsopa le li-crucible tsa ceramic.

Sistimi ea ho futhumatsa ea 15kW EKOHEAT e sebelisa IGBT ho fetolela matla a 60Hz AC mme e lula e fetola ho tloha ho 50kHz ho ea ho 150kHz ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho qhibiliha. EKOHEAT 15 kW e sebetsa ka mekhahlelo e meraro ea 480 VAC mme e hloka ho pholile ha metsi.

Setofo sa ITC Power Cube se entsoe ka li-blocks tse sa cheng ka holimo le tse ka tlase le liphanele tsa mahlakoreng tsa aluminium, tse etsang hore se tšoarelle nako e telele. Likhoele tsa koporo tse nang le marako a teteaneng, tse nang le conductivity e phahameng li sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa katleho. E fumaneha ka boholo ba 50, 100 kapa 150 lb mme e tla le matla a 50 kW a induction ho latela boholo ba tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng. Bakeng sa ho phunyeletsa, e ka ba le lisebelisoa tse phahamisang holimo kapa cylinder ea hydraulic tipping

EKOHEAT 50kW Benchtop Induction Power Supply e fumaneha ka mefuta e koahelang maqhubu a 1.5-150kHz 'me e loketse mefuta e fapaneng ea litlhophiso tsa ho qhibiliha ho lumellana le litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa ho qhibiliha. EKOHEAT e sebetsa methating ea motlakase ea AC ea mekhahlelo e meraro ho tloha ho 360 ho isa ho 520 V, 50 kapa 60 Hz mme e hloka hore metsi a pholisoe.

Setofo sa Power Cube se bontšitsoeng ke mohlala oa matla a 500 lb. ITC e etsa liobelo tse boholo bo lekanang litlhoko tsa bareki ba ho qhibilihisa. Li-ovine tsa Power Cube li fumaneha ka matla a ho tloha ho 50 ho isa ho 3,000 liponto.

The 300 lb ITC Power Cube ke sebōpi se ikhethileng se etselitsoeng lits'ebetso tsa ho etsa tšepe ka 125 kW. E entsoe ka li-blocks tse sa cheng ka holimo le tse ka tlase le liphanele tsa mahlakoreng tsa aluminium, tse etsang hore e tšoarelle. E sebelisa likhoele tsa koporo tse nang le marako a teteaneng, a nang le conductivity e phahameng bakeng sa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng. E ka ba le lisebelisoa tse phahamisang holimo kapa cylinder ea hydraulic bakeng sa ho tiping

EKOHEAT 125 le 250 kW lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse kenyang tanka tse peli li fumaneha ka maqhubu a ts'ebetso a 1 kHz kapa 3 kHz, ho latela boima ba tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng. Kamore ea pele e na le phepelo ea motlakase, 'me ea bobeli e na le switch e eketsehileng ea sebōpi le capacitor ea resonant. EKOHEAT 125 le 250 kW li sebetsa ho tloha lithapong tse tharo tsa AC tse nang le motlakase oa 360-520 V, maqhubu a 50 kapa 60 Hz 'me li hloka hore metsi a pholile.

Power Cube e bonts'itsoeng ke mohlala oa 3,000 lb mme e bonts'a sethala se ts'oanang le sebaka sa mokelikeli sa moreki.

The 2000 lb Power Cube Furnace ITC ke sebōpi se tloaelehileng se etselitsoeng ho etsa tšepe ka 500 kW. Ho itšetlehile ka ho kenya tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng le ho kopanya ho hlokehang, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa ho kenya EKOHEAT 500 le 800 kW li fumaneha ka maqhubu a ts'ebetso ea 1 kHz kapa 3 kHz. Likamore tse peli li na le phepelo ea motlakase, 'me kamore ea boraro e na le sesebelisoa se eketsehileng sa sebōpi le capacitor ea resonant. EKOHEAT 500 le 800 kW e sebetsa ho tloha methating ea AC ea mekhahlelo e meraro e nang le motlakase oa 360-520 V, 50 kapa 60 Hz 'me e hloka phepelo ea metsi.

Ambrell e tla eletsa ITC mabapi le khetho e nepahetseng ea sebōpi ho latela litlhoko tsa moreki tsa ho qhibilihisa. Khamphani e tla fana ka phepelo ea motlakase ho latela sekhahla sa ho qhibiliha le tekanyetso ea moreki. ITC e boetse e thusa bareki ka ho fana ka lisebelisoa tse loketseng tsa ho pholisa bakeng sa likarolo tsa bona tsa ho qhibilihisa

Boitsebiso bona bo tsoa ho thepa e fanoeng ke Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions 'me e hlahlobiloe le ho fetoloa

Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions. (Hlakola 14, 2023). Ho futhumatsa ka induction ho sebelisoa bakeng sa ho qhibiliha. Azom. E tsositsoe ka la 25 Phupu 2024, ho tsoa ho https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=8049

Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions. "Ts'ebeliso ea ho qhibiliha ha mocheso oa induction." Azom. La 25 Phupu 2024

Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions. "Ts'ebeliso ea ho qhibiliha ha mocheso oa induction." Azom. https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=8049. (E fumaneha ka la 25 Phupu 2024)

Ambrell Induction Heating Solutions. 2023. Likopo tsa ho qhibiliha ha induction tse futhumetseng. AZoM, e fihletsoe ka Phupu 25, 2024, https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=8049

Leha re sebelisa feela litaba tse hlophisitsoeng le tse amohetsoeng joalo ka likarabo tsa Azthena, ka linako tse ling likarabo tse fosahetseng li ka fanoa. Ka kopo, ela hloko lintlha tse fanoeng ke mofani kapa sengoli. Ha re fane ka keletso ea bongaka, 'me haeba u batla boitsebiso ba bongaka, u lokela ho buisana le setsebi sa bophelo bo botle pele u sebelisa lintlha tse fanoeng.

Potso ea hau (empa eseng lintlha tsa hau tsa lengolo-tsoibila) e tla arolelanoa le OpenAI mme e bolokoe matsatsi a 30 ho latela melaoana ea eona ea lekunutu.c………………………

Nako ea poso: Jul-25-2024