• Sebopi se Lahlelang


Graphite Crucible Ka Spout


Graphite Crucible With Spout ke crucible e sebetsang hantle haholo e sebelisetsoang ho qhibiliha le ho akhela tšepe. E sebelisoa haholo liindastering tsa metallurgy, foundry le lik'hemik'hale, crucible's conductivity e ntle ea mocheso, ho hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng, le ho hanyetsa kutu ho etsa hore e be sesebelisoa sa bohlokoa bakeng sa ho tšela tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng hantle.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Induction Furnace Graphite Crucible

Selelekela sa Graphite Crucible With Spout

Ha ho tluoa tabengho qhibidiha le ho tshela ka ho tshelalits'ebetso, ho nepahala, ho sebetsa hantle le ho ts'epahala ke tsona tse ka sehloohong. TheGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute etselitsoe ho khahlametsa litlhoko tse matla tsa liindasteri tse kang litsi tsa motheo, tsa metallurgy le tsa tšepe. Motsoako oa eona oa thepa ea boleng bo holimo le moralo o mocha o fana ka ts'ebetso e phahameng hotshepe e tshetsoeng e tshela, ho netefatsa ho nepahala le polokeho. Hore na o sebetsa ka aluminium, koporo, khauta kapa silevera, senacrucible/e netefatsa liphetho tse tsitsitseng le ho tšoarella nako e telele.

Lisebelisoa le Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso

  1. Khetho ea Lintho:
    TheGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute entsoe kasilicon carbide graphite, ho kopanya conductivity e phahameng ea mocheso oa graphite le matla a silicon carbide. Khetho ena ea thepa e tiisa khanyetso e phahameng ea oxidation, botsitso ha mocheso o feteletseng, le bohloeki bo ntlafetseng ba tšepe ka ho fokotsa litšila nakong ea ho qhibiliha.
  2. Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso:
    Ho sebelisa e tsoetseng peleho hatella ka isostaticthekenoloji, crucible e thehoa tlas'a khatello e tšoanang, e hlahisang sebopeho se teteaneng, se se nang sekoli. Sena ha se matlafatse matla a sona feela empa se boetse se lelefatsa bophelo ba ts'ebeletso, se etsa hore e be tharollo e theko e tlaase bakeng sa tšebeliso e pheta-phetoang libakeng tse phahameng tsa mocheso.

Boholo ba crucible



97 Z803 620 800 536 355
98 Z1800 780 900 680 440
99 Z2300 880 1000 780 330
100 Z2700 880 1175 780 360

Lintlha tsa Bohlokoa tsa Graphite Crucible e nang le Spout

  1. E babatsehang Thermal Conductivity:
    Thesilicon carbide graphitethepa e netefatsa ho futhumala ka potlako le ka mokhoa o ts'oanang, ho ntlafatsa matla a matla le ho fokotsa nako ea tlhahiso. Sena se etsa horeGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute loketseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse hlokang ho phahamisoa ha mocheso kapele le kabo e tsitsitseng ea mocheso.
  2. Ho hanyetsana le Mocheso o Phahameng:
    E khona ho mamella mocheso holimo2000°C, crucible e loketse ho qhibiliha litšepe tse kang aluminium, koporo, khauta le silevera, e fana ka ts'ebetso e babatsehang libakeng tse phahameng tsa mocheso.
  3. Spout e Khethiloeng ka ho Khethehileng bakeng sa ho tšela ka mokhoa o nepahetseng:
    E kopantsoengmoralo oa spoutlumella taolo e nepahetseng holim'a phallo ea tšepe nakongtshepe e tshetsoeng e tshela, ho fokotsa litšila, ho thibela ho phatloha, le ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e sireletsehileng. Karolo ena e molemo haholo bakeng sa liindasteri tse etelletsang pele ho nepahala ts'ebetsong ea ho lahla.
  4. Matla a Phahameng a Mechini:
    Ka matla a phahameng a mochine, crucible e ka mamella khatello ea mocheso le ea mochine, e etsa bonnete ba hore e tšoarella maemong a thata a indasteri. Ho hanyetsa ha eona ho phunyeha le ho senyeha ho etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ho batla lisebelisoa tsa ho lahlela.
  5. Khanyetso ea Corrosion:
    TheGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute fana ka khanyetso e ntle ea lik'hemik'hale, ho kenyelletsa le li-acids, alkalis le litšepe tse qhibilihisitsoeng. Sena se lelefatsa nako ea bophelo ba crucible, ho fokotsa khafetsa ea ho nchafatsa le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso.
  6. Katoloso e Tlase ea Mocheso:
    Mocheso o fokolang oa ho atolosa mocheso o tiisa hore crucible e lula e tsitsitse esita le tlas'a phapang e feteletseng ea mocheso, ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho senya le ho senyeha. Botsitso bona bo matlafatsa polokeho le ts'epahalo ea ts'ebetso ea ho lahla.

Lisebelisoa tsa Graphite Crucible with Spout

  1. Indasteri ea Metallurgical:
    E loketseng bakeng saho qhibidiha le ho qhalalitšepe tse kang aluminium, koporo, khauta le silevera ka mefuta e fapaneng ea sebōpi, ho kenyelletsa le libopi tsa motlakase le tsa induction.
  2. Indasteri ea Foundry:
    E loketse bakeng saho etsa ka nepolematla a khohelilits'ebetso moo ho phalla ha tšepe hantle le litšila tse fokolang li leng bohlokoa.
  3. Tšebeliso ea laboratori:
    E phethehile bakeng sa liteko tse phahameng tsa mocheso le tlhahlobo ea lintho tse bonahalang, theGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute netefatsa diphetho tse tsitsitseng dipatlisisong tsa mahlale.
  4. Indasteri ea Lik'hemik'hale:
    E sebelisetsoa ho sebetsana le ho sebetsana le li-reagents tsa lik'hemik'hale tse nang le mocheso o phahameng, ho hanyetsa kutu ea crucible ho netefatsa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele libakeng tsa lik'hemik'hale.

Litlhaloso tsa Sehlahisoa

  • Bokhoni: E fumaneha ka boholo ho tloha ho 1 kg ho ea ho 100 kg, crucible e ka etsoa ka mokhoa o lumellanang le litekanyo tse fapaneng tsa tlhahiso le meralo ea sebōpi.
  • Sebopeho le Moralo: Ho phaella ho li-crucibles tse tloaelehileng tse pota-potileng, re fana ka mokhoa oa ho iketsetsa libopeho tse khethehileng, ho kenyelletsa le meralo ea lisekoere kapa e khethehileng, ho finyella litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethang tsa ts'ebetso.
  • Botenya ba Lerako: E entsoe ka botenya bo ntlafalitsoeng ba lebota ho leka-lekanya matla le ho tsamaisa mocheso, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso nakong ea ts'ebetso ea mocheso o phahameng.

Mekhoa e Metle ea Tšebeliso

  1. Ho futhumatsa:
    Pele o sebelisa pele, preheat ea crucible butle-butle ho300°Cho felisa mongobo ofe kapa ofe le ho qoba ho phunyeha ho tloha ka tšohanyetso ho ea mocheso o phahameng.
  2. Tataiso ea Ts'ebetso:
    Tšoara ka hloko, ho qoba ts'oaetso kapa ho thulana le lintho tse thata tse ka senyang crucible. Ha u tšela tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng, laola ho sekamela ka hloko ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho tšeloa ho se na ho phatloha ho se nang ho phatloha.
  3. Tlhokomelo le Tlhoekiso:
    Ka mor'a tšebeliso e 'ngoe le e' ngoe, hloekisa ntho leha e le efe e setseng ka har'a crucible ho boloka bokaholimo bo boreleli. Ho hloekisa kamehla ho ntlafatsa conductivity ea mocheso le ho tiisa hore ho qhibiliha ha nako e tlang.
  4. Polokelo:
    Boloka crucible sebakeng se phodileng, se omileng ha se sa sebelisoe ho se sireletsa mongobo le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba sona.

Hobaneng re Khetha Crucible ea rona ea Graphite ka Spout?

Ea ronaGraphite Crucible e nang le Spoute etselitsoe litsebi tse batlang ho nepahala le ho tšepahala hotshepe e tshetsoeng e tshelats'ebetso. Ho sa tsotellehe hore na u ameha ho lahleng ha tšepe, ho etsa lipatlisiso, kapa ho sebetsana le lik'hemik'hale, li-crucibles tsa rona li fana ka ts'ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso. Moralo oa spout o netefatsa ho nepahala, polokeho le ts'ebetso e nepahetseng, e etsa hore e be khetho ea mantlha bakeng sa liindasteri tse hlokang taolo e hlokolosi lits'ebetsong tsa ho tšela.

Customize Support le Customization

At ABC Foundry Supplies, re ikemiseditse ho fana ka tshebeletso e ikgethang, ho tloha ho tshehetso ya botekgeniki ho isa ho tlhophiso e felletseng. Re ka hlophisa boholo, sebopeho, le sebopeho sa thepa ea crucible ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethileng, ho netefatsa hore e hokahane ka mokhoa o se nang seam ho lisebelisoa tsa hau tse teng.

  • Tšehetso ea tekheniki: Sehlopha sa rona sa litsebi se teng ho fana ka tataiso mabapi le tšebeliso e nepahetseng le tlhokomelo ea li-crucibles, ho u thusa ho fumana molemo o moholo holima letsete la hau.
  • Tšebeletso ea ka mor'a thekiso: Re fana ka ts'ebeletso e felletseng ea kamora thekiso ho rarolla mathata kapa mathata afe kapa afe, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e ntle le e ntle bakeng sa bareki ba rona.

Bakeng sa lintlha tse ling ho ronaGraphite Crucible e nang le Spout, kapa ho etsa odara e ikhethileng, ka kopo ikopanye le rona. Re labalabela ho sebelisana le uena ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea hau ea ho lahla le ho qhibilihisa.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: